Who we are

We are Innovation,
We are the Top TIER™!

Although Tier.Net Technologies, LLC (Florida) was formed in 2013, Tier.Net has been a familiar name in the hosting industry for much longer. In fact, the Internet still had its training wheels on at the beginning of this story! So how did Tier.Net become the international hosting leader it is today?

In the 1990’s, Tier.Net was first established in the southern tier of New York State. The website at www.tier.net served as a community portal for the Binghamton, New York area, also providing website design and hosting services to area businesses along with free hosting services to non-profit organizations. Notably, while Tier.Net’s support center is based in Florida, Tier.Net Technologies maintains its sales and administrative offices in downtown Binghamton to this day.

Throughout the 1990’s and early 2000’s, Binghamton locals (aka Binghamtonians) could find restaurant reviews, information about local businesses, community events, and much more by logging on to Tier.Net. Business owners throughout the southern tier of New York and the northern tier of Pennsylvania took advantage of Tier.Net’s popularity by placing advertisements on the Tier.Net website to drive traffic to their sites.

In 2001, Tier.Net was purchased by Restaurant.com, a world-famous online restaurant guide and promotion site. In a strategic deal, Restaurant.com handed the company off to Tier Internet Services, Inc. shortly afterward. Much of Tier.Net’s current management team either owned, or was employed by, Tier.Net at that time.


We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein


We are a creative web hosting company providing unparalleled services. Focused on helping our clients to build a successful business on the web.

Throughout the 2000’s, Tier.Net experienced rapid growth through a joint venture and partnership with a local television station. The local community portal and hosting services continued and evolved, and such was the beginning of Tier.Net’s modern era.

In 2013, Tier.Net was acquired by Tier.Net Technologies, LLC and has since expanded globally. Tier.Net provides shared, reseller, VPS, cloud, dedicated, and colocation hosting for businesses of all sizes from the United States to Central America, to the UK, China, India, and beyond!

Tier.Net employs worldclass in-house staff, owns its own hardware, and offers multiple datacenter location options to its clients. Tier.Net is not a reseller or “middle-man” to someone else’s service. We are the direct provider of top-quality, reliable services backed by industry-leading support and uptime guarantees.

Meet Our Team

Evan Kamlet
Managing Partner
John Dundon
Managing Partner
Jacob Roe-Bauer
Operations/Network Engineering
Sam Corey
Customer Service Manager
Jim Perez
Marketing Manager
Josh Bradford
Christopher Young
Dallas DC Operations
Mark Sellman
Ashburn DC Operations
Victor Visan
Senior Admin
Mathew Rijo
Senior Admin
Jerin Thomas
Night Shift Admin
Islam Apon
Senior Developer
Kindell Worley
Jay Brooks
Business Development Specialist
Bradley Diggs
Infrastructure Sales Engineer
Benjamin Maddox
Business Development Specialist
Nick Hafen
Business Development Specialist
Jazmine Jones
Business Development Specialist
Mark Van Roten
Sr. Systems and Net Admin, Charlotte DC Operations
Thomas Anoop
Night Shift Admin

We're ready to help.