Tier.Net offers a wide range of services for those with
complicated hosting or other technological needs.
Our datacenters offer various built-in anti-DDOS hardware so please contact us before ordering a specific package to find out more. Additionally, we can provision add-on DDOS mitigation services for any client, whether you host with us internally or utilize a 3rd party for hosting. Tier.Net can quickly provision DNS-based DDOS proxy services as well as more advanced hosted solutions. Just ask us for details and we will be happy to oblige!
Need specialized advice about anything from network engineering, routing/BGP, hosting, reselling, hardware, software, or just about anything technology related? Our experts can probably help. Tier.Net offers live chat (online) and telephone consulting for a flat fee of $75 / hr. Let us help you setup DNS servers, explain how to network your house or business, diagnose a problem with your computer or server, or even explain how to become your own webhost. We answer your questions in real-time. Request a quote to schedule an appointment. Be sure to include the general topic you would like to discuss.
Our certified specialists are experts when it comes to managing your servers. Whether you have a server at your office, co-located, or you rent one from a provider other than us, we can help keep everything running smoothly.
We also offer more advanced management plans with features such as full system software upgrades, daily log auditing, and much more. Please request a quote and we will adapt to your specific needs.
Our $59 / mo external management package is lower than most hosts' internal fees. We provide: